Giving Strategies
Maximize your impact with a charitable giving budget for 2023
6 Tips to help guide your giving when the market is tough, but community needs are high.
Giving Strategies
6 Tips to help guide your giving when the market is tough, but community needs are high.
Giving Strategies
Learn about the ins and outs of endowments in this comprehensive blog post. Discover what an endowment is, how it works, the different types of endowments, what it means to have an endowment, how endowments make money, the benefits of an endowment, and more. Get all your endowment questions answered.
Giving Strategies
Trust building, like all important elements of good relationships, takes time. To help bridge the challenges of power dynamics that can get in the way, philanthropists should seek out trusted networks and local partners that can help them discover culture and place, and help inform opportunities to more deeply connect.
Giving Strategies
Family finance conversations—be they about budgeting or philanthropy—can occur anytime, and the younger the better to build a knowledge base. Accordingly, we offer a list of books suitable for all age ranges, and we've included the published descriptions, a few reviews and online links to purchase online at Inklings. We hope you and your family will discover new reading material to feed the lifelong learning and giving process.